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Tesla - Power Pack

인산철뱅크 2016. 5. 11. 09:06

Inside the Powerpack

Tesla has been building integrated battery systems in cars for over 10 years. The same degree of expertise, quality control and technological innovation has informed our process of developing high-performance batteries for the grid.


Powerpack supports a host of applications that offer commercial consumers and energy providers greater control, efficiency and reliability across the electric grid.

Smart Energy Consumption

  1. Demand Response

    Discharge instantly in response to signals from a demand response administrator to alleviate peaks in system load.

  2. Emergency Backup

    Provide intermediate backup power to your business in the event of a grid interruption. This function can be standalone or tied to solar.

  3. Peak Shaving

    Discharge at times of peak demand to avoid or reduce demand charges.

  4. Load Shifting

    Shift energy consumption from one point in time to another to avoid paying high energy prices. Where applicable, this price optimization accounts for solar or other on-site generation.


Build a localized grid that can disconnect from the main power grid, operating independently and reinforcing overall grid resilience.

Power Production

  1. Renewable Integration

    Smooth and firm the output of a renewable power generation source such as wind or solar.

  2. Capacity Reserve

    Provide power and energy capacity to the grid as a standalone asset.

Grid Reliability

  1. Ancillary Services

    Charge or discharge instantly to provide frequency regulation, voltage control, and spinning reserve services to the grid.

  2. Transmission & Distribution Support

    Supply power and energy capacity at a distributed location to defer or eliminate the need to upgrade aging grid infrastructure.

Scalable Design

The Powerpack system scales to the space, power and energy requirements of any site, from small commercial businesses to regional utilities. It can be configured in various arrangements, offering far more modularity than competing models.

Fully Integrated Solution

Powerpack is a fully integrated, AC-connected energy storage system with everything needed to connect to a building or utility network. It dramatically simplifies installation, integration and future support, offering system-wide benefits that far outweigh those of standalone batteries.


Powerpacks house the world’s most sophisticated batteries. Each Powerpack is a DC energy storage device containing 16 individual battery pods, a thermal control system and hundreds of sensors that monitor and report on cell level performance.


Grid Interface

  • Bi-Directional Inverter See Specs
  • Powerpack Controller
  • Powerpack Combiners
  • Software
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