분류 전체보기 1131

Tesla Energy Reveals Powerpack Pricing, Starting From 200 kWh Of Storage

Sprig Electric installs one of the first Tesla Powerpack commercial batteries at the Sprig Electric headquarters (Image courtesy Sprig Electric) Tesla Energy – Powerpack Tesla Energy launched its online ordering site for the Powerpacks energy storage systems. The smallest available ESS consists two 100 kWh Powerpacks (200 kWh total). Design Your Powerpack System Powerpack..

Samsung SDI, supply ‘18650’ battery sample to Tesla, Targeting for mass supply in October

Planning to sign agreement for battery supply to U.S.’s electric car company Tesla, Samsung SDI recently started supplying sample batteries. Samsung’s goal is to have Tesla’s final approval in close future and mass produce•supply the battery from upcoming October. Reliance on a single deal with in Japan’s Panasonic Co, Tesla is strongly pushing to add new partners..

한전 FR용 ESS사업 발주, 5월말까지 눈치싸움 치열할 듯

최대규모 김제 옥내형 ESS 사업이 변수...업체간 경쟁 예고 한전 서안성변전소에 설치된 FR용 ESS(사진=한전) 한전이 에너지저장장치(ESS) 업계의 가장 큰 먹거리인 주파수조정(FR)용 ESS 구축사업을 발주했다. 올해 사업예산은 1890억원으로 지난해(1900억원)와 규모는 비슷하지만 사업 수가 줄..